rr - a new Max Package
11 Dec 2023 2022-3
New collection of MIDI patchers for randomizing and ramping now available via the Package Manager
Just released on the Max Package Manager - a new collection of MIDI patchers by Jonathan Pitkin designed to create randomly or gradually-changing successions of sounds, timed in ways which do not fit easily into the standard bars-beats-subdivisions framework.
The package consists of 3 'objects' - rr.rampr, rr.randomizr and rr.randomrampr - all of which have been spun out from programming Jonathan originally devised while composing his recent surround-sound piece Study: Boots…, which was heard at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival in 2023.
For a quick introduction, take a look at the video below. For more information, see the Tools/Software page.
The package consists of 3 'objects' - rr.rampr, rr.randomizr and rr.randomrampr - all of which have been spun out from programming Jonathan originally devised while composing his recent surround-sound piece Study: Boots…, which was heard at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival in 2023.
For a quick introduction, take a look at the video below. For more information, see the Tools/Software page.